Sunday, December 22, 2013

God Jul! (nearly)

On Sunday Janet lit up the last of their Norwegian advent candles.

Church wasn't until 11:00 so we all sat down to a big breakfast.

Dress at the table was very casual.

Peter loved the waffles and kept asking for a "big one."

At about 9:30 we were treated to a beautiful sunrise.

After church we had a little pre-Christmas gift exchange.

The children all enjoyed warming up their gift opening skills.

That evening the kids and I had a little cousin craft time and decorated ornaments.

It has been so much fun being here this past week.  It has been delightful watching Eliot and James play together and to listen in on their conversations.  Our hosts have been great.  During the course of our visit the number of adults in their home was tripled and the number of children was nearly doubled.  Both boys have had a wonderful time playing with cousins.  We're looking forward to our next get together.  Whenever and wherever.

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