Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Moving up in the world

Peter is officially a nursery kid.  I say 'officially' because he's actually been in there for the past several months since I was assigned as one of the nursery workers.  For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, nursery at our church is a child's first introduction to Sunday School.  It's held during the last two hours of church and includes play time, snack time, a short lesson and craft, music and stories.  Children start attending when they're 18 months old, and that's our Peter, as hard as it is for me to believe it.
Play doh with the group.

Peter loves the little toy kitchen and will stroll right into the toy closet to help himself.

Eliot won't graduate into Primary until the beginning of next year, so the Young brothers have a few months in nursery together.

Snack time is by far Peter's favourite part.  See him eyeing the kiwi on his neighbor's plate?  She'd better watch out.

I love those little chipmunk cheeks!

1 comment:

Rissie Grace said...

Those chipmunk cheeks are too much. Too much!!