Sunday, May 4, 2014

Sibling Revelry

I love seeing Eliot and Peter playing happily together.  And not just because it allows me a little peace to read or do a blog post on a Sunday afternoon.  It's fun to observe their interactions with one another and the things they incorporate into their play.  Like most older children Eliot can sometimes boss a bit ("Peter, you don't know a lot of wisdom as we do"), and like most younger children Peter finds great enjoyment in pushing Eliot's buttons.  So cooperative play occasionally erupts into squabbles, but for the most part they're good at getting along. 

Here they're playing Auto-Parts Shop.  Eliot had set up his shop (notice how he has stacked the tires) and Peter was pretending to buy items to build a car.  Just about everything was going for $500.

A picnic on the beach after paddling in the water.  This picture was actually taken a few weeks ago, on Grandma's last day with us.  Since this time the days and evenings have gotten a little more cool and rainy.

They were so sweet, sitting together and munching on their picnic supper, waiting for the sun to set.

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