Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Happy Birthday Eliot!

Yesterday we celebrated Eliot's 4th birthday.  It was off to a good start when he got to take cupcakes to school to share with his class, only to arrive at school and discover that he was the leader for the day.  Each day a child is assigned as the leader, or special helper.  Eliot has been the leader once before, so he knew that this was a special treat.  They sang happy birthday to him on his arrival and he got a happy birthday sticker to wear on his shirt.  He was embarrassed and delighted all at once.  

This was really the first birthday where he totally ran the show.  We had a Yellow Bear cake, per his request, as well as his favourite dish for supper: tacos.  A few days ago I asked him what he wanted to have for supper on his birthday:
Eliot:  Cake
Me:  Well, yes, but what would you like to eat for supper.
Eliot (emphatically):  I want to have cake.
Me:  We'll have cake for dessert.  But what would you like for supper?  Sometimes we have quiche...what should we have?
*I used quiche as the example because he's not super fond of it so I knew I wouldn't be influencing his decision.
Eliot:  Let's have tacos.

After supper we opened one present.  A bike helmet.  But what is he going to do with a bike helmet?


We went straight outside to take it for a spin.  Besides, we needed to walk over to the store to get ice cream for the cake.  He had a blast.

Then it was home again for cake and ice cream and presents.

Very focused.

At one point Eliot asked me if he would be 4 for the whole day.  You betcha Eliot!  You're going to be 4 for the whole year!  We love you!


Janet said...

So cute! What a great birthday :D

Peggy, Lily and Connor said...

Happy Birthday Eliot!
Hope the day and YEAR are your favorite yet! What a special celebration! Connor doesn't know it yet, but next month for his birthday, he'll be getting a new bike, too!