Friday, May 29, 2009

Mommy, RD, CD

Today was my first day back to work--for those of you who don't know, I'm a clinical dietitian at a hospital here in town. It was a little odd at first since I'd been gone so long. My friend Raina (who is expecting her first in a couple of weeks) asked me if it was kind of like coming back to school after summer break. I had to laugh because that's pretty much exactly what it was like. For the first half of the day it was like I was moving in slow motion.

Spencer and Eliot had their first full day together, and it sounds like it went really well. Eliot got in some good naps and ate and pooped and did all those things that babies do. He's doing just fine, it's me I'm worried about :). However, as I met with patients and their families--helping a man understand his honey-thickened liquid diet here, calculating someone's intravenous feeding there--I realized that as long as I have to be away from Eliot for a time I'm glad that I get to do something that will hopefully make a positive difference in someone else's life. After all, these people were once someone's little Eliot, so to speak. But when all is said and done, I sure am glad to be home.


Jaima said...

Good for you Nora! By the way, you look fabulous. No one would ever know you just had a baby.

2x2momma said...

A lot of people say that having a baby changes the way that they see the world and see others, and I think that it is in ways that are a benefit to us all. You have such a great attitude about caring for your patients. They are lucky to have you.