Saturday, April 25, 2009


Eliot reached the six week mark this past week and celebrated by flashing us some pretty unmistakably intentional smiles. He has also been working on his baby vocabulary of coos and gurgles.

Enjoying some delightful dinner conversation with Noni.

Working on his vice-like grip on Noni's finger.

I'm so glad that you can't spoil an infant, because Eliot loves to be held and I love holding him. Someday soon he will be a big boy, more interested in Legos and Spiderman than cuddling with Mama, and I savor this time with him. Also, I love it when babies are small enough to curl their little legs up under them. So sweet!


Rissie Grace said...

LOVE these pictures. He has great expression ... especially in the one where he is sort of waving.

2x2momma said...

What a sweet smile Eliot has! I can't believe how much bigger he looks already, we can't wait to meet you Eliot!

Eileen Young said...

Wow! Has Eliot grown....he looks so alert. I think i will have to send him a book (prepare him for his PhD)!
Can hardly wait to see him.

Hi There! said...

Wow!i'm so glad to see you smiling, Eliot!thanks for keeping everyone posted, can-ams. we'll see you in July!

Katey said...

How did you manage to capture the cute smiles on camera? Noramlly I have to wait until they're ready to hamm it up before I get pictures of them smiling. Enjoy the snuggling while it lasts!