Monday, March 23, 2009

Sleep, Poop, Eat, Repeat

While those last few posts were under my name, Spencer was the author, and he has been doing a great job of making sure we document the progress of our little boy. Today Eliot hit a couple of milestones. His belly button fell off and he surpassed his birth weight, weighing in today at 9# 12oz. The doctor was pleased, and so were we. While, to the naked eye, it would appear that he really doesn't do much of anything, it is clear that he has been very busy growing. In fact, that really has been his top priority and he has taken it very seriously. We took him out for a maiden voyage in his stroller the other day--more for mom's benefit than his, truth be told--and he spent it asleep, per usual. Ah well, there will be plenty of opportunities for seeing the world later on.


Jaima said...

He is so cute Nora! Good for you getting out and about already! I can't believe how fast he is growing. Thanks for the pictures- it is fun to see Eliot and you guys with him.

Katey said...

What about the occassional squawking? Mine certainly have done more than their fair share of that. Hooray for getting out of the house! Helps to keep sane doesn't it?

2x2momma said...

What a dear little baby, he's really growing! I love the first few sleepy weeks.

Unknown said...

more more more!! we can't get enough at FMLH!!! can't wait to meet him in person. oh and happy birthday! love, raina

Erin said...

Congratulations Nora! My parents forwarded your blog address to me and I checked it just in time to see your precious little one. Can't wait to see more pictures! I'm so happy for you!