Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Paris: A Kid's-Eye View

During the first year of our marriage Spencer had to spend a few months in Paris doing research.  I was working full-time but was able to take a couple weeks off to visit him and take Paris by storm.  I have been very grateful for that early excursion during this trip because it has meant that I can slow down and enjoy helping the boys enjoy Paris.  This fact became clear on today's trip to the Eiffel Tower.  Both boys enjoyed the train ride there and Eliot was adamant that he wanted to go to the top.
Getting to the top involved more waiting around than I think he was expecting (even though our early arrival actually meant that the lines were really very short) and by the time we reached the summit, as they call it, he was ready to head back down.
I tried to point out this landmark and that, and Peter enjoyed seeing all the tiny cars and buses, but Eliot's face in the picture says it all.  We were on the next elevator down.
Here we're enjoying a nice morning stroll through Cimetiere du Pere Lachaise (by the way, my inability to get the accents to work on this computer is sort of annoying me).  The significance of visiting the graves of people like Oscar Wilde, Edith Piaf, and Moliere, to name a few, was totally lost on the boys.
Exiting the cemetery it was the bright yellow maple leaves that caught their attention.  Eliot even brought one home with him.
Peter's favourite part of the trip so far has been watching the traffic, and there is certainly plenty of it to watch.  He knows that we stop when we see the little red man and go when we see the little green man and he is always ready to remind us to go.
One thing that the boys and I can agree on, Paris doesn't mess around when it comes to public water fountains.
The canals are close to where we are staying and the boys and I took a walk here the other day.  They loved it because of all the leaves and sticks and the opportunity to toss both into water.  I loved it because it's a pretty spot and the place where 'Amelie' skips stones.  So everyone got something from the outing.

1 comment:

Claudia said...

Such lovely pictures. So awesome that your children are such world travelers, that they will have the experience of visiting and living in other countries, experiencing other cultures, food, etc!