Our little guys are so busy growing up. It amazes me how quickly they pick up on things. You can almost hear the slurping sound their little brains are making as they suck up any information that's tossed about--intentional or otherwise.
Pretending to be "upside-down bats" |
A child learning to speak is like a pan of popcorn. At first you hear a pop and you say, "Oh boy! A pop!" Then there's another, then two, then five, soon you can't keep count and they're escaping from under the lid and going all over the place. As soon as you make a list of Words They Know it's out of date, because they've been learning more words while you were making your list.
Need a little place to get away from it all. This'll do. |
Bear (Bay-uh) and of course "my bear" (mah bay-uh)
Milk (Gek), also "more milk" (mah gek)
No (Nah)--accompanied by a cute little toss of curls
Thank you (Dah-dooooo)--and always with this face:
Walk (Ahk), he loves going for walks. If he knows that a walk is underfoot, he'll run and get his sandals and sit down on the rug to wait for someone to help him put them on.
Bye--he loves to say 'bye.' A sneaky way to get him to give something up is to have him say goodbye to it. Works almost every time. Lately he's also gotten shy. When strangers smile and talk to him he'll bury his face in my neck. But as soon as it's time to go, he'll smile at them and say "Bye!"
He has also been learning his numbers and has been delighted to discover that they are literally everywhere. In books, at the grocery store, on traffic light poles. It's amazing. He's always excited to point out the numbers he sees, "Un!" "Doo!" "Fwee!" and his favourite, "Ate!"
It's always so funny to hear our own words and phrases thrown back at us through the filter of Eliot's little boy brain. Like when chicken satay became "fricken satay." We also must say "what in the heck" a lot, because Eliot has adopted it but it always comes out "what is the heck?"
The novelty of school has worn off. Last Monday morning Eliot informed me that he was not going to school. "I don't like school. School is not good for me." At first Spencer and I tried to explain all the advantages of going to school, but Eliot remained unconvinced. Spencer left for work and then I loaded the boys up for the walk to school. All the way, "I'm not going to school. Peter is going to school." I stopped trying to fight it. Whenever he'd say that he didn't like school I just said, "I know" and we kept walking. Once we got there it didn't take long for him to become interested in a painting project they had out that morning. As I left I could see one of the teachers helping him into a smock. Reading between the lines it seems to be a case of wanting to stay home with Mommy and Peter but then having a nice time in spite of oneself once one is actually there.
It may have something to do with the fact that Spencer left on a work trip the evening before Eliot's first day of school and we all went to drop Daddy off at the airport. The trip had caught hold of Eliot's imagination and he was absolutely convinced--up until the very last moment when we carried him, crying, from the airport--that he was going along. He'd even packed his backpack, with his toothbrush and an assortment of stuffed animals, and brought it in to the airport to toss onto the scale with Daddy's suitcase. Since then Eliot won't stop talking about going on a trip. I can imagine how it must appear to him. Daddy says he's going to go on a plane, he packs his bag and, voilà, he goes on a plane. As far as Eliot can see, that was the only preparation needed. He said it, and it was so. I explained to Eliot that you need a ticket to go on the plane. No problem. We've got paper. We've got markers. If it's a ticket they want, it's a ticket they'll get.
Ready to go! |
The world is a great big place, Little Men, but you'll grow into it. Sooner than you think.