We just returned from a two week trip to Edmonton, Alberta. The purpose of our visit took us on an eight hour drive east to Regina in the neighboring province of Saskatchewan for the wedding of Spencer's brother, Aaron, and Patti. It was a lovely wedding and we thoroughly enjoyed spending time with family. There are some photos that I missed because I was busy changing Peter's diaper or chasing Eliot. At one point I came back from cleaning Eliot up and noticed that the beautiful cake was gone. Oops! Just part of the fun of having little children :) And the cake was delicious!
Eliot was sure to make it up front to the head table to get a little Daddy-time during the dinner.
Peter got social too. Here he is visiting with Uncle Jim and Edward.
Aaron and Patti surprised everyone with a dance troupe to perform traditional Ukrainian dances (they both have significant Ukrainian heritage). It was fantastic!
Eliot enjoyed clapping along with the Ukrainian dancers but had to be physically restrained from flinging himself in among them.
Waiting anxiously for his turn to dance. Also, fascinated with the sparkles on Patti's dress.
Eliot hit the dance floor with vigor. He had some pretty fancy footwork and loved spinning around until he couldn't stand up. I'd have more pictures of him but I was too busy dancing with him!