I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter. Our's was lovely. The Easter Bunny visited our home and we had our friends, the Van Ormans, over for dinner on Sunday. It was a beautiful day so we took a walk around the neighborhood to get some fresh air into the little guys (Eliot, Peter, and the Van Ormans' son Gus). Spring is starting to really bloom here in Toronto and it's been fun getting out with Eliot and Peter to look at all the flowers and the new little leaves coming out on the bushes.
Eliot didn't know why he received a basket full of fun and treats, but he sure wasn't complaining.
Playing with Cydney and Gus.
Helping Mommy make quiche.
Peter is focused on being a little snuggle bug, and he's doing a very good job of it I must say. At his one month check-up he weighed in at 11 lbs.
Eliot playing in his "tent" in the living room.