Still no sign of Baby No. 2 and the due date is just a day away. I kind of wish my doctor had never said anything about the baby possibly arriving early. It was only a slight suggestion, and even though I knew that there was no way for him to be sure, my subconscious ran away with the idea. I have, however, been getting a lot done to prepare for the baby. Mostly cleaning and catching up with organizing.
Before Eliot left town he also pitched in with the cleaning. There's a clean-up song with which some of you may be familiar (Clean up, clean up, everybody everywhere...). I sing it with Eliot as we put toys away and he has come to think that cleaning up is quite a lot of fun. There is a drawer in the kitchen that he is allowed to rummage through and I will often find toys, sippy cups, cars, etc. in amongst the plastic containers.
Eliot also finds the vacuum very interesting. A while ago I got it all set up and went into the other room to plug it in. I returned to find Eliot already hard at work.