I hope you all had a wonder
ful holiday! Our's was one to remember. Eliot's first Christmas was white (!) and he had his first experience unwrapping presents, next year he'll have a much better idea what to do.
Just after Christmas we were a treated to a visit from the Youngs, including Aaron and Patti. It was a visit that, alas, ended almost before it had begun due to a case of the stomach flu that I came down with--which was as violent as it was poorly timed. It's amazing how the tiniest little bug can lay waste to even the most careful planning. In spite of my illness, the family was able to spend some quality time catching up with Eliot and seeing all of his new tricks.

My sister, Janet, arrived in town shortly thereafter with Madeline and James in tow. So Eliot also had the chance to share toys, and germs, with his little cousins. James and Eliot were like two little bear cubs (as my dad put it) crawling about and wrestling. Madeline is almost three

now and it's so fun to see her personality starting to come into its own. She has a fascination with Spencer that was lessened not a bit by the fact that he
juggled three oranges right before her very eyes!

It was so good to see Janet again. We worked on sewing projects and stayed up later than we should have watching an old VHS recording of Pride and Prejudice. It was just like the old days, but with the occasional peep from the baby monitor to remind us just how much things have changed.

In spite of the set-backs and abbreviated visits it was certainly good to see family again. I'm looking forward to 2010 with all the new adventures in store!