A couple weeks ago we headed up to the San Juan Islands to attend the wedding of my cousin David and his fiancee Marjorie. It is a long trip up there involving a plane, a bus, a boat, another bus, and another boat, and we were fortunate to be able to spend some time at the home of Spencer's Aunt and Uncle Schneider in Seattle on the way up and back. It was a wonderful trip and Eliot made all kinds of new friends and caught up on older friendships, as did we.

While in Seattle Aunt Coleen showed us Pike Place Market where we took in the sights and burned our mouths on fresh mini doughnuts that were just too good to wait. We also got to hang out with cousins Rachel and David who coached us on Guitar Hero (I have a long way to go). We had the chance to visit the Science Fiction Museum and the EMP and eat burgers at Dick's. We even had a chance to see Aunt Cheryl and Uncle Brett on Spencer's mom side. Like all visits that are too brief we left several things for next time.

David and Marjorie's wedding was lovely. It took place in a little chapel in Roche Harbor on San Juan Island. My Aunt Janet and Uncle Peter have a house on nearby Pearl Island where we stayed and ate crab right out of their crab traps nearly every day. Eliot turned on the charm and fully established his reputation as an easy-going, happy baby. In fact, on the way back to Seattle while we sat waiting for the shuttle I got into conversation with a couple traveling our way. When we realized that we had just attended the same wedding the woman pointed at the faceless, sleeping baby in my arms and asked, "Oh, is that Eliot?" Why yes, yes it is. My name's Nora, I'm his mom. I always knew that Eliot would eventually have a social life independent of Spencer and myself, I just wasn't prepared for it at 5 months of age. What a fun little guy!